Richard WANG
Partner of Draper Dragon Fund
20 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. Prior to
joining Draper Dragon Fund, he served as the CEO of QunZhong
E-Commerce and founded OLEA Network with partners in Silicon
Valley, who researched and developed wireless intelligent ECG
sensor using Doppler Radar technology. He holds a MSc in
Electrical Engineering from National Chiao Tung University and
has several technical papers published in the IEEE Journal. He
has invested in Hcash, CSD, Vechain, Red Pulse, Chinapex,
Alphacat, PST, Bottos, IHT, Evermarket, OBEN, MDT, RUFF,
Penta, Fusion, IOTex, ODEM, Heronode, Skrumble, Quark,
Sentinel, Navibration, YAN and CareerOn.