• CareerOn
  • Global Human Resource Credit System
  • CareerOn is building a blockchain based global human resource credit system through combining Blockchain technology with distributed storage, trusted computing, AI algorithms and frequency domain watermarking technology to ensure the ease of use and security of career profile and associated career data. Therefore, providing a credible data sharing environment for the human resource industry.
  • Whitepaper
CareerOn Corporate Video
  • Information Verification for Recruiters and Job Seekers
  • HR Industry-Specific Infrastructure Service
  • Optimal Allocation of Human Resources
  • HR Industry Value-Focused Economic System
  • CareerOn DAPP
  • Decentralized Identity (DID) Encrypted
    Messenger Knowledge Monetization
  • Visit CareerOn
Our Solutions
  • Transaction Privacy
  • Transaction Efficiency
  • Data Leakage
  • Big Data Storage
  • Decentralized Communication System
  • File Encryption and Retrieval
  • In the privacy layer added by CareerOn, individuals have permanent account addresses with unlimited number of temporary transaction account addresses. The corresponding relationship between temporary transaction account addresses and permanent transaction accounts is stored in the exclusive smart contracts of the privacy layer.

    For deal origination, a payer will make payment to the exclusive smart contract of the privacy layer and designate the payer address finally displayed to the payee (it could be the permanent address by default or a temporary address of the payer). After receiving the payment, the smart contract of the privacy layer will randomly split the payment with a certain rule and successively transfer to the ultimate destination address of the payee (smart contract needs to be pre-set by the payee and it could be the permanent address or any temporary address).

  • CareerOn plans to transform the underlying consensus mechanism into the combination of PoS and PoW. In PoS, only the payer’s token holding volume needs to be proved when the transaction is initiated, which avoids resource waste and performance problem brought by large quantities of mining calculation. In order to avoid problems like double-spending, all business performed on CareerOn public blockchain will be classified into two categories: for transactions that are insensitive to instantaneity, PoW is used; for transactions that are sensitive to instantaneity, PoS is used.

  • To solve the data leakage and unauthorized transaction issues in the human resource industry, CareerOn has especially added the data tracing layer: 1) The reading of any sensitive data will be processed by the frequency domain watermark technology automatically, which cannot be escaped with the guarantee from CareerOn underlying mechanism. 2) The data in need of tracing protection has been converted into an energy distribution model based on the frequency domain distribution logic. After processed by Fourier transform and other ways, the modulation similar to FM broadcasting will be used to add unique watermark data into the original data, which will finally be processed into clear data containing watermark. The relevant parameters of the modulation will be randomly generated and stored by smart contracts, and can only be acquired by specific accounts for demodulation of watermark data. 3) The specific watermark content will be automatically sent to data readers by CareerOn, or initiatively set by them. 4) The data with watermark will be delivered to data users by data readers (manualy or automatically by the program). Once there is a data leakage, the leakage source could be traced through the demodulated watermark data (adding data leakage cost) for the convenience of accountability.

  • CareerOn, as a public blockchain for the human resource industry, needs to provide data storage space to store resumes, employee records and other HR related data. Due to technical limitation, data storage on Ethereum is expensive and its storage capacity cannot satisfy the human resource industry. Therefore, CareerOn has introduced InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) to solve big data storage problem, and only the most important and valuable data on CareerOn public blockchain (such as account data, watermark parameters) will be stored.

  • The existing internet communication method is not designed for any specific industries. In the decentralized model, the privacy protection mechanism cannot effectively cope with the hacker attack and inside-and-outside collusion. Therefore, the CareerOn public blockchain has designed a set of decentralized communication solution by combining the characteristics of the human resource industry.

    Whisper protocol is the decentralized real-time communication protocol of Ethereum and operates relying on Ethereum nodes. Whisper protocol can launch data communication based on N2N mode or realize point-to-point communication by P2P model. The basic communication support of the CareerOn public blockchain will come from the real-time communication interface realized by whisper protocol.

  • CareerOn must consider the privacy problem due to industrial characteristics and the inherent ENS of Ethereum can only universally solve the addressing problem, rather than satisfying the requirements of CareerOn. Therefore, CareerOn has added the following new characteristics: 1) It has technically removed the anti-analysis logic of ENS, that is, ENS on CareerOn public blockchain does not support inquiring the domain names bound by this address through addressing, so as to avoid the attackers from determining the transaction domains through transaction addresses. 2) The domain name registration and the analysis mechanism have been modified. The original domain name logic is classified into two categories: the first category is the fixed analysis logic, whose analysis logic and principle is completely consistent with the existing logic of Ethereum public blockchain, and is mainly used for organizations and other scenes needing stable and unchangeable domain names. It can bind temporary transaction addresses and permanent addresses. The second category is the dynamic domain name, that is, the domain name needs no advanced application and it is only necessary to submit the required domain names and temporary accounts expected to be bound to register in the domain name registration address and analyze the “domain name-address” pair and obtain the results.

Our Team
  • Jian LI
    Founder & CEO
  • Ran ZHOU
    Co-founder & CTO
  • Jiannan LI
    Partner & COO
Founder and Managing Partner of FBC Capital. Prior to founding CareerOn he was Founding Partner of Leading the Trend Investment and has held senior manager positions in information security and IT management service companies and served clients across a variety of industries such as manufacturing, medical and health, automobile, retailing, Internet and finance. He has rich experience in business management, human resource, venture capital and blockchain investment. Since 2016, he has invested in a number of blockchain projects including Elastos, Molecular Future, GXChain, NEO, and Swarm City. He is a Certified M&A Dealmaker and holds an EMBA from Tianjin University of Finance & Economics.
He has been working in cloud safety since 2011. Prior to founding CareerOn he was Founder of Ranyun Science and Technology Company, also served as Senior Technical Expert of Alibaba (P8) and Senior Cloud Security Engineer of Tencent (T3.3). An expert in cloud security and cloud computing who has led and managed several cloud security projects in Alibaba and Tencent.
Former Assistant to Executive Director of Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), Assistant to Chairman of Chinese Museum of Finance and Founding Chairman of China Mergers and Acquisitions Association. She participated in the preparation and founding of China Blockchain Research Center in 2015 and GBBC China Center in 2017. Before returning to China in 2014, she was Human Resource and Marketing manager at P&Co LLP Chartered Accountants and has over 10 years of practical experience in human resource, marketing and management. She holds a BSc in Management and a MSc in Marketing from the University of Manchester.
  • Yan JIN
    Founder & CEO of Geek Academy
CareerOn Milestones
  • COT「Haba Snow Mountain Climbing Adventure」 Launched
  • CareerOn 2.0: Sail On Towards the Future of Blockchain
    Technology was launched;
  • CareerOn Chain Token (COT) was listed on BiKi.com;
  • CareerOn Chain Token (COT) was listed on ZBM.com;
  • The demo of search over encrypted data in trusted database (component of CareerOn Public Blockchain) was published;
  • CareerOn v1.0.1 Android published;
  • CareerOn was included in the「Map of HRTech China」;
  • CareerOn v1.0.0 Android version launched;
  • CareerOn official website v2.0 launched;
  • CareerOn received「EBTC 2018 Dark Horse of the Year Award for Public Blockchain」
  • CareerOn v1.0.0 system function and user
  • experience optimized;
  • CareerOn public chain completed
  • construction of IPFS public gateway;
  • CareerOn official website v2.0 web
  • page design completed;
  • CareerOn v1.0.0 product function
  • development completed,decentralized
  • business logic realized;
  • CareerOn wallet v1.0.0 released;
  • CareerOn public chain communication interfaces
  • based on whisper and libp2p implemented;
  • CareerOn v1.0.0 product design completed;
  • CareerOn wallet v1.0.0 technical development
  • phase completed, open testing conducted;
  • CareerOn public chain storage interface implemented,
  • large-capacity data storage function ready ;
  • CareerOn wallet v1.0.0 product design
  • phase completed;
  • CareerOn official website v1.0 launched;
  • CareerOn official website v0.0 launched,
  • whitepaper published;
  • Head-hunter and corporate HR community
  • established (100+ members);
  • Founding team formed;
  • CareerOn project launched;